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Potential effects, benefits and risks of HHC

What is HHC?

One of the more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant is having a moment of glory. Although it is only found in minimal amounts in the plant itself, and is therefore produced using other cannabinoid components (such as CBD) in the lab, users are clear about HHC and it has quickly become a sought-after cannabinoid. Why? According to user reviews, it is a substance with relaxing effects comparable to THC in many ways. However, even hexahydrocannabinol requires caution. In the Czech Republic, HHC is currently a legal substance. However, this may not be the case in other EU countries.

Key features of HHC:

  • Hydrogenated form of THC (THC "enriched" with hydrogen)
  • Psychoactive effects similar to THC (about half the strength)
  • Higher resistance to high temperatures and UV radiation
  • (And therefore) longer shelf life than THC

Enthusiastic user reviews play in HHC's favour, but you need to take a closer look at HHC. The Achilles heel of hexahydrocannabinol is the fact that it has not yet been studied in detail and it cannot be confirmed with certainty what effect it has on the human body in the long term. Minor research has been carried out, but its safety profile is still unclear.

Effects of HHC

HHC and THC are very similar in structure and potential effects. It should be added that tetrahydrocannabinol can take different forms - a single THC molecule can take several different forms differing in structural arrangement (we are talking about isomers) while retaining the same number of atoms. The spatial (configurational) arrangement of the molecules also influences their ability to bind to endocannabinoid receptors in our bodies (affecting their affinity), which can lead to different intensities of psychoactive effects. Similarly, HHC has a lower affinity for the endocannabinoid receptor CB1 compared to THC. When HHC is produced in the laboratory, the result is always a mixture of two HHC molecules with different structural arrangements. The former, 9R HHC, actively binds to endocannabinoid receptors in the body, while the ability of the latter (9S HHC) is not nearly as strong.

HHC is in the same position as most other potentially beneficial cannabinoids (CBD, CBN, CBG and others) - their effects are not yet firmly supported by sufficient relevant research - so they are not confirmed. Cannabinoid substances may affect each user differently depending on health status, immune system, sensitivity or prescription drugs taken.

However, the popularity of HHC is soaring and the number of users taking the substance is increasing rapidly. No serious side effects have been reported so far.

Possible effects of HHC:

  • Euphoria
  • More energy and a sharper mind
  • Promoting relaxation
  • Improving sleep

Many users report that the potency of HHC (intensity of action) is about half that of THC (sometimes as high as 80%) and is most similar to the delta-8 isomer of THC, mainly because of its relaxant effects (stimulation of the body is lower than with delta-9 THC).

The most common potential benefits, which may manifest themselves in varying degrees, include:

  • Attenuation of chronic pain
  • Relief of inflammation
  • Deeper and smoother sleep to help the body regenerate
  • Prevents nausea and vomiting

After taking HHC, anxiety states may be reduced or symptoms of anxiety may be alleviated, but on the other hand, this cannabinoid may intensify feelings of anxiety and add to other associated problems such as hand tremors and lack of concentration.

There are also a number of other possible side effects associated with HHC. It is not possible to predict in advance what and to what extent a user will experience them:

  • Insomnia (sleep problems)
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Red eyes and dry mouth
  • Paranoia

Risks of taking HHC

HHC seems to have its place in the world of cannabis products. However, users should ensure that the quality of hexahydrocannabinol is sufficient. Many chemical components are used in the production process, but these should be removed in the final stage to prevent them from entering the human body. If you are going to try HHC, always check the lab tests (done by an independent, third party). This will ensure that the product does not contain questionable substances such as heavy metals (iridium, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, nickel) or solvents (hexane, benzene, heptane, toluene, butane).

Careful selection always pays off. Fraudulent companies proliferate among those offering HHC products, who are not shy about marketing products with little or no HHC content or, on the contrary, a high proportion of harmful substances. At present, it is quite difficult to find a quality product with HHC. Reputable vendors are gradually appearing, but there are still too few of them to be able to quell the attempts at deception, games with ingredients and price. While most companies test their products for heavy metals, rhodium, palladium and rhenium, for example, are commonly used as catalysts for HHC production, but the tests do not focus on them. So caution is never an option.



Photo: Shutterstock

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